Active Voice में 12 Tense होते हैं जिनमे सेः-
Passive Voice बनने वाले 8 Tense होते हैं।
- Present Indefinite Tenses
- Past Indefinite Tenses
- Future Indefinite Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Continues Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
नोटः- इसी प्रकार Intransitive Verbs वाले वाक्यों की Passive voice नहीं बनती।
बदलने के नियम-How to change Active Voice to Passive Voice.
नियम - 1 Object को Subject बनाया जाता है | Object के Pronouns का परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार होता है -
- Me का I
- Us का We
- You का You
- Him का He
- Her का She
- Them का They
- It का It
- Whom का Who
नियम - 2.Subject को Object बनाकर उससे पूर्व by लगाओ । Subject के Pronouns का परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार होता है
- I का Me
- We का Us
- You का You
- He का Him
- They का Them
- It का It
- Who Whom
1. Present Indefinite Tense
नियम - सहायक क्रिया is, am, are, (कर्ता के अनुसार) के साथ मुख्य क्रिया की III Form आती है
Arvind likes Vijay.
इस वाक्य में Object Vijay है । इसे वाक्य के शुरू में रखा जायेगा । चूंकि यह वाक्य Present Indefinite है तथा Singular है अत: "s' का प्रयोग होगा। इसके बाद like की III form liked
तथा उपरोक्त वाक्य के Subject के पूर्व by लगेगा -
Active - Arvind likes Vijay.Passive - Vijay is liked by Arvind.
2. Present Continuous Tense
नियम -इस प्रकार के Sentences में सहायक क्रिया is, am, are (कता के अनुसार) के साथ being लगाकर Verb की III Form का
Active- Arvind is liking Vijay,
Passive- Vijay is being liked by Arvind.
3. Present Perfect Tense
नियम -- इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में कर्ता के अनुसार Has, Have, Had तथा Verb के मध्य been लगाते हैं.
Active- Arvind has liked Vijay.
Passive- Vijay has been liked by Arvind.
4. Past Indefinite Tense
नियम - इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में Verb के पूर्व सहायक क्रिया was अथवा were तथा उसके बाद Verb की III Form आता है
Active - Arvind liked Vijay.
Passive - Vijay was liked by Arvind.
5. Past Continuous Tense
नियम - इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में सहायक क्रिया Be Verb अर्थात् was या were तथा verb की III Form के मध्य being आती है |
Active - Arvind was liking Vijay.
Passive - Vijay was being liked by Arvind.
6. Past Perfect Tense
नियम - इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में Had के पश्चात् been तथा Verb
की II Form आती है ।
Active - Arvind had liked Vijay.
Passive - Vijay had been liked by Arvind
7. Future Indefinite Tense
नियम - इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में Shall अथवा will को Object के
अनुसार बदलकर उसके पश्चात् be तथा verb की III Form लगाई
जाती है । जैसे-
Active - Arvind will like Vijay.
Passive - Vijay will be liked by Arvind.
8. Future Perfect Tense
नियम - ऐसे वाक्यों में कर्ता के अनुसार Shall तथा will को Object के अनुसार बदलकर have के बाद been लगाया जाता है।
Active - Arvind will have liked Vijay.
Passive - Vijay will have been liked by Arvind.
- Passive voice बनाते समय Let का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Let के बाद object तथा उसके बाद be लगाकर क्रिया का IIIrd From लिखा जाता है। Let +object + be + IIIrd From of verb
- Negative sentences मे not को be के पूर्व लगाते हैं।- example no. 5 देखें
- प्रार्थना वाले वाक्यो में Please को हटाकर You are requested लिखा जाता है। उसके बाद क्रिया के पहले To लगाया जाता हैं example no. 4 देखें
1.दरवाजा मत खोलो
Active Voice: Do not open the door.
Passive Voice: Let the door not be opened by you.
2.एक गिलास पानी लाइये।
Active Voice: Bring a glass of water
Passive Voice: Let a glass of water be brought by you
3.निर्धनों की सहायता करो।
Active Voice: Help the poor
Passive Voice: Let the poor be helped
4.कृपया बैठ जाइये।
Active Voice: Please, sit down.
Passive Voice: You are requested to sit down
5.खिड़की मत खोलो।
Active Voice: Do not open the window
Passive Voice: Let the window not be opened
6.कृपया यहाँ मत बैठिये।
Active Voice: Please do not sit here
Passive Voice: You are requested not to sit hem
जब हम Active Voice से Passive Voice बदलते हैं या change करते हैं उस के लिए कुछ महत्तपूर्ण(Impotent) trick
Active Voice Passive Voice
- is is being
- am am being
- are are being
- was was being
- were were being
- has has been
- have have been
- will will be
- shall shall be
- had had been
- जब sentence में verb की first form+ s/es दिया हो तो is/are/am बदल देते हैं
Active Voice: He teaches me.
Passive Voice: I am taught by him.
- जब sentence में verb की second form दिया हो तो was/were बदल देते हैं
Active Voice: Pankaj threw the ball.
Passive Voice: The ball was thrown by Pankaj.
इन्हें भी देखें-
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